Webster's English Dictionary

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1. film \'film\ n [ME filme, fr. OE filmen; akin to Gk pelma sole of the 
   foot,] often attrib OE fell skin - more at FELL 1a: a thin skin or 
   membranous covering : PELLICLE  1b: a thin covering or coating  3a: an 
   exceedingly thin layer : LAMINA  3b1: a thin flexible transparent sheet 
   used as a wrapping  3b2: such a sheet of cellulose acetate or cellulose 
   nitrate coated with a l ight-sensitive emulsion for taking photographs 4: 
2. film vt 1: to cover with or as if with a film  2: to make a motion 
   picture of or from {~ a scene} {~ a  novel} 1: to become covered or 
   obscured with a film  2a: to be suitable for photographing  2b: to make a 
   motion picture