Webster's English Dictionary

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law.ful \'lo.-f*l\ \-f(*-)le-\ \-f*l-n*s\ aj 1a: conformable to law  1b: 
   constituted, authorized, or established by law : RIGHTFUL  2: LAW-ABIDING 
   in accordance with law. LAWFUL may imply conformity with law of any sort 
   (as divine, canon, or common); LEGAL implies reference to law as 
   administered in the courts; LEGITIMATE implies a legal right (as applied to 
   son, heir, successor) or one supported by tradition, custom, or accepted 
   standards of authenticity; LICIT implies strict conformity to law 
   specifically regulating the way something is performed or carried on - 
   law.ful.ly av SYN syn LAWFUL, LEGAL, LEGITIMATE, LICIT mean being