Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. type                  
1. sort or of a sort \'so.(*)rt\ n [ME, fr. MF sorte, prob. fr. ML sort-, 
   sors, fr. L, chance, l]ot 1: a group set up on the basis of any 
   characteristic in common : CLASS , KIND 2: a number of things used together 
   : SET, SUIT  3a: method or manner of acting : WAY, MANNER  3b: CHARACTER, 
   NATURE {people of an evil ~}  4a: a letter or character that is one element 
   of a font  4b: a character or piece of type that is not part of a regular 
   font  : in a rough or haphazard way  : of an inconsequential or mediocre 
   quality {a poet of sorts}  : out of temper : VEXED, DISTURBED  - after a 
2. sort \'so.rt-*-b*l\ vt obs  1: to select as of a certain sort : CHOOSE  
   obs  2: ALLOT  3: to put in a certain place or rank according to kind, 
   class, or nature <(~ mail} : arrange according to characteristics : 
   CLASSIFY {~ out colors} chiefly Scot  4a: to put to rights : put in order  
   4b: to put to rights morally by punishing or scolding  1: to join or 
   associate with others esp. of the same kind {~ with  thieves} archaic  2: 
   SUIT, HARMONIZE, AGREE  - sort.able aj