Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. teach                 
1. train \'tra-n\ n [ME traine, fr. MF, fr. OF, fr. trai:r to betray, fr. L 
   tradere] - more at TRAITOR obs  : SCHEME, TRICK 
2. train n [ME, fr. MF, fr. OF, fr. trainer to draw, drag] 1: a part of a 
   gown than trails behind the wearer  2a: RETINUE, SUITE  2b: a moving file 
   of persons, vehicles, or animals  3: the vehicles, men, and someimes 
   animals that furnish supply, maintenance , and evacuation services to a 
   combat unit 4a: order designated to lead to some result  4b: a connected 
   series {~ of thought}  4c: accompanying circumstances : AFTERMATH  5: a 
   line of gunpowder laid to lead fire to a charge  6: a series of moving 
   machine parts (as gears) for transmitting and modifyi ng motion 7a: a 
   connected line of railroad cars with or without a locomotive  7b: an 
   automotive tractor with one or more trailer units 
3. train \'tra--n*-b*l\ \tra--'ne-\ \'tra--n*r\ vb [ME trainen, fr. MF 
   trainer, fr. OF, fr. (assumed) VL traginare)X; akin to L trahere to draw - 
   more at DRAW 1: TRAIL, DRAG  2: to direct the growth of (a plant) usu. by 
   bending, pruning, and tying  3a: to form by instruction, discipline, or 
   drill  3b: to teach so as to be fitted, qualified, or proficient  4: to 
   make prepared (as by exercise) for a test of skill  5: to aim at an object 
   : bring to bear  1: to undergo instruction, discipline, or drill  2: to go 
   by train  - train.able aj