Webster's English Dictionary

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1. run \'r*n\ \'ran\ vb or ran;  or run or run.ning [ME ronnen, alter. of 
   rinnen, v.i. (fr. OE iernan, rinnan)X & ON rinna) & of rennan, v.t., fr. ON 
   renna; akin to OHG rinnan, v.i., to run, OE ri-san to rise 1a: to go faster 
   than a walk; specif : to go steadily by springing  steps so that both feet 
   leave the ground for an instant in each step of a horse  1b: to move at a 
   fast gallop  1c: FLEE, RETREAT, ESCAPE {dropped his gun and ran)X} 2a: to 
   go without restraint : move freely about at will {let his chick ens ~ 
   loose} 2b: to keep company : CONSORT - used with with chiefly of  male 
   animals {a ram running with ewes} 2c: to sail before the wind in 
   distinction from reaching or sailing close- hauled 2d: ROAM, ROVE {running 
   about with no overcoat}  3a: to go rapidly or hurriedly : HASTEN {~ and 
   fetch the d octor} 3b: to go in urgency or distress : RESORT {~s to his  
   mother at every little difficulty} 3c: to make a quick, easy, or casual 
   trip or visit {ran over to bo rrow some sugar} 4a: to contend in a race  
   4b: to enter into an election contest  5a: to move on or as if on wheels : 
   GLIDE {file drawers runni ng on ball bearings} 5b: to roll forward rapidly 
   or freely  5c: to pass or slide freely {rope ~s through the pulley}  5d: to 
   ravel lengthwise {stockings guaranteed not to ~}  6: to sing or play a 
   musical passage quickly {~ up the scale}  7a: to go back and forth : PLY  
   of fish  7b: to migrate or move in schools; esp : to ascend a river to spaw 
   n 8a: TURN, ROTATE {a swiftly running grindstone}  8b: FUNCTION, OPERATE 
   {engine ~s on gasoline}  9a: to continue in force or operation {the 
   contract has two more years t o ~} 9b: to accompany as a valid obligation 
   or right  9c: to continue to accrue or become payable {interest on the loan 
   ~Rs from last July 1st} 10: to pass from one state to another {~ into debt} 
    11a: to flow rapidly or under pressure  11b: MELT, FUSE  11c: SPREAD, 
   DISSOLVE {colors guaranteed not to ~}  11d: to discharge pus or serum {a 
   running sore}  12a: to develop rapidly in some specific direction; esp : to 
   throw  out an elongated shoot of growth 12b: to tend to produce or develop 
   a specified quality or feature {they  ~ to big noses in that family} 13a: 
   to lie in or take a certain direction {the boundary line ~ s east} 13b: to 
   lie or extend in relation to something  13c: to go back : REACH  13d: to be 
   in a certain form or expression {letter ~s as fol lows} or order of 
   succession {house numbers ~ in odd numbers from 3 to 57} 14a: to occur 
   persistently : RECUR {musical talent seems to ~  in his family} 14b: to 
   continue to be of a specified size or character or quality {prof its were 
   running high} 14c: to exist or occur in a continuous range of variation  
   14d: to play on a stage a number of successive days or nights {the piece  
   ran for six months} 15a: to spread or pass quickly from point to point 
   {chills ran up  his spine} 15b: to be current : CIRCULATE {specualtion ran 
   rife on wh o the candidate would be} 1a: to cause (an animal) to go at 
   speed : ride or drive fast  1b: to bring to a specified condition by or as 
   if by running {ran  himself to death} 1c: to go in pursuit of : HUNT, CHASE 
    1d: to follow the trail of backward : TRACE {ran the rumor  to its source} 
   1e: to enter, register, or enroll as a contestant in a race  1f: to put 
   forward as a candidate for office  2a: to drive (livestock) esp. to a 
   grazing place  2b: to provide pasturage for (livestock)  2c: to keep or 
   maintain (livestock) on or as if on pasturage  3a: to pass over or traverse 
   with speed  3b: to accomplish or perform by running {running errands for a 
   ban k} 3c: to flee from  3d: to slip through or past {~ a blockade}  4a: to 
   cause to penetrate or enter : THRUST {ran a splinte r into his toe} 4b: 
   STITCH  4c: to cause to pass : LEAD {~ a wire in from the antenna)> 4d: to 
   cause to collide {ran his head into a post}  4e: SMUGGLE  5: to cause to 
   pass lightly or quickly over, along, or into something {(Xran his eye down 
   the list} 6a: to cause or allow (as a vehicle, a vessel) to go in a 
   specified manner  or direction {ran his car off the road} 6b: OPERATE {~ a 
   taxi}  6c: to carry on : MANAGE, CONDUCT {~ a factory}  7a: to be full of 
   or drenched with {streets ran blood}  7b: CONTAIN, ASSAY  8: to cause to 
   move or flow in a specified way or into a specified positio n {~ cards into 
   a file} 9a: to melt and cast in a mold {~ bullets}  9b: TREAT, PROCESS, 
   REFINE {~ oil in a still}  10: to make oneself liable to : INCUR {ran the 
   risk of dis covery} 11: to mark out {~ a contour line on a map} : DRAW {R@ 
   a line through the word to be deleted} 12: to permit (as charges, accounts, 
   bills) to accumulate before settling  {~ an account at the grocery} 13a: to 
   run off {a book to be ~ on lightweight paper} {a job t o be ~ 4-up} 13b: to 
   print or carry in a printed medium  14a: to make (a series of counts) 
   without a miss {~ 19 in an innin g in billiards} 14b: to lead winning cards 
   of (a suit) successively  15: to make (a golf ball) roll forward after 
   alighting  : to meet with or discover by chance  1: PURSUE, CHASE; esp : to 
   seek the company of  2: to take up with : FOLLOW {run after new theories}  
   1: to meet suddenly or unexpectedly  2: to work or take effect unfavorably 
   to : DISFAVOR, OPPOSE  : to have a fever  : to save distance by running 
   directly for the game instead of following  the scent or track : to collide 
   with {ran foul of a hidden reef} : run into conf lict with or hostility to 
   {run foul of the law} 1a: to change or transform into : BECOME  1b: to 
   merge with  1c: to mount up to {a boat like that one runs into money}  2a: 
   to collide with  2b: ENCOUNTER, MEET {ran into an old classmate the oth er 
   day} 1: to act wildly or without restraint  2: to occur in profusion  : to 
   become insufficient  : to use up  1: to exhaust vitality in producing seed  
   2: to cease growing  : to run across : meet with  - run across 
2. run n 1a: an act or the action of running : continued rapid movement  
   1b: a quickened gallop  1c1: the act of migrating or ascending a river to 
   spawn  1c2: an assemblage of fish so migrating  1d: a running race {a mile 
   ~}  1e1: a score made in cricket each time the batsmen safely change ends  
   1e2: a score made in baseball by a runner reaching home plate safely  1f: 
   strength or ability to run {two laps took most the ~ out of him } chiefly 
   Midland  2a: CREEK  2b: something that flows in the course of a certain 
   operation or during a c ertain time {the first ~ of sap in sugar maples} 
   3a: the stern of the underwater body of a ship from where it begins to curv 
   e or slope upward and inward 3b: the direction in which a vein of ore lies  
   3c: a direction of secondary or minor cleavage : GRAIN {~ o f a mass of 
   granite} 3d1: the horizontal distance covered by a flight of steps  3d2: 
   the horizontal distance from the wall plate to the center line of a bu 
   ilding 3e: general tendency or direction  4: a continuous series esp. of 
   things of identical or similar sort : as  4a: a rapid scale passage  4b: a 
   number of rapid, small dance steps executed in even tempo  4c: the act of 
   making successively a number of successful shots or strokes;  also : the 
   score thus made {a ~ of 20 in billiards} 4d: an unbroken course of 
   performances or showings  4e: a set of consecutive measurements, readings, 
   or observations  4f: persistent and heavy demands from depositors, 
   creditors, or customers <(a ~ on a bank} 4g: SEQUENCE  5: the quantity of 
   work turned out in a continuous operation  6: the usual or normal kind, 
   character, type, or group {average ~ o f college graduates} 7a: the 
   distance covered in a period of continuous traveling or sailing  7b: a 
   course or route mapped out and traveled with regularity : TRIPM 7c: a news 
   reporter's regular territory : BEAT  7d: the distance a golf ball travels 
   after touching the ground  7e: freedom of movement in or access to a place 
   or area {has the ~  of his friend's house} 8: the period during which a 
   machine or plant is in continuous operation  9a: a way, track, or path 
   frequented by animals  9b: an enclosure for livestock where they may feed 
   or exercise  Austral  9c: a large area of land used for grazing {sheep ~} : 
   RANCH)M, STATION {run-holder} 9d: an inclined passageway  10a: an incline 
   course (as for skiing or bobsledding)  10b: a support (as a track, pipe, or 
   trough) on which something runs  11a: a ravel in a knitted fabric (as in 
   hosiery) caused by the breaking of  stitches 11b: a paint defect caused by 
   excessive flow  : in the course of sufficiently prolonged time, trial, or 
   experience  1: in haste : without pausing  2: in retreat : running away  - 
   in the long run 
3. run aj 1a: MELTED {~ butter}  1b: made from molten material : cast in a 
   mold {~ metal} {~ joint} of fish  2: having made a migration or spawning 
   run  3: exhausted or winded from running