Webster's English Dictionary

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log.ic \'la:j-ik\ \lo--'jish-*n\ n [ME logik, fr. MF logique, fr. L logica, 
   fr. Gk logike-], fr. fem. of logikos of reason, fr. logos reason - more at 
   LEGEND 1a1: a science that deals with the canons and criteria of validity 
   of infer ence and demonstration : the science of the normative formal 
   principles of reasoning 1a2: a branch of semiotic; esp : SYNTACTICS  1a3: 
   the formal principles of a branch of knowledge  1b: a particular mode of 
   reasoning  1c: interrelation or sequence of facts or events when seen as 
   inevitable or  predictable 2: something that forces a decision apart from 
   or in opposition to reason <(the ~ of war} - lo.gi.cian n