Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. method                 2. fashion               
1. mode \'mo-d\ n [ME moede, fr. L modus measure, manner, musical mode - 
   more at  [LL modus, fr. L]MMETE 1a: an arrangement of the eight diatonic 
   notes or tones of an octave accord ing to one of several fixed schemes of 
   their intervals 1b: a rhythmical scheme (as in 13th and 14th century music) 
    2: MOOD  3a: MOOD  3b: the modal form of the assertion or denial of a 
   logical proposition  4a: a particular form or variety of something  4b: a 
   form or manner of expression : STYLE  5: a manner of doing something  6: a 
   manifestation, form, or arrangement of being; specif : a parti cular form 
   or manifestation of an underlying substance 7: the most frequent value in a 
   frequency distribution  8: the vibration pattern of electromagnetic waves; 
   also : the state  of a vibrating system that corresponds to a particular 
   pattern 9: the actual mineral composition of a rock 
2. mode n [F, fr. L modus] : a prevailing fashion or style of dress or 