Webster's English Dictionary

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1. man.i.fold \'man-*-.fo-ld\ \-.fo-l-(d)le-\ \-.fo-l(d)-n*s\ aj [ME, fr. 
   OE manigfeald, fr. manig many + -feald -fold] 1: marked by diversity or 
   variety  2: comprehending or uniting various features : MULTIFARIOUS  3: 
   rightfully so-called for many reasons {a ~ liar}  4: consisting of or 
   operating many of one kind combined {a ~ bell  pull} - man.i.fold.ly av
2. manifold n : something that is manifold : as  : a whole uniting or 
   consisting of many diverse elements  : a pipe fitting with several lateral 
   outlets for connecting one pipe wit h others : SET; specif : a space 
   topologically equivalent to a spher e in a euclidean space : an abstract 
   generalization of a surface; specif : a set of elem ents having properties 
   common to various elementary configurations
3. manifold vt 1: to make many or several copies of  2: to make manifold : 
   MULTIPLY  : to make several or many copies