Webster's English Dictionary

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1. pull or pull up stakes or pull wires \'pu.l\ vb [ME pullen, fr. OE 
   pullian] 1a: to draw out from the skin  1b: to pluck from a plant or by the 
   roots {~ flowers ~ turni ps} 1c: EXTRACT {~ a tooth}  2a: to exert force 
   upon so as to cause or tend to cause motion toward the  force 2b: to 
   stretch (cooling candy) repeatedly  2c: to strain abnormally {~ a tendon}  
   2d: to hold back (a racehorse) from winning  2e: to work (an oar) by 
   drawing back strongly  3: to hit (a ball) toward the left from a 
   right-handed swing  4: to draw apart : REND, TEAR  5: to print a proof from 
   by impression  6: REMOVE {~ a crankshaft ~ed the pitcher in the  third 
   inning} 7: to bring (a weapon) into the open {~ed a knife}  8a: to carry 
   out with daring {~ a robbery}  8b: to be guilty of : COMMIT, PERPETRATE  9: 
   to draw the support or attention of : ATTRACT {~ votes)> 1a: to use force 
   in drawing, dragging, or tugging  1b: MOVE {the car ~ed out of the 
   driveway}  1c1: to take a drink  1c2: to draw hard in smoking {~ed at his 
   pipe}  1d: to strain against the bit  2: to draw a gun  3: to admit of 
   being pulled  4: to feel or express strong sympathy : ROOT {~ing f or his 
   team to win}use to move toward or after one. PULL is the general term but 
   may emphasize the force exerted rather than resulting motion; DRAW implies 
   a smoother, steadier motion and generally a lighter force than PULL; DRAG 
   suggests great effort overcoming resistance or friction; HAUL implies 
   sustained pulling or dragging of heavy or bulky objects; TUG applies to 
   strenuous often spasmodic efforts to move not necessarily with success : to 
   regain one's self-possession  : to deceive someone playfully : HOAX  : to 
   make one harmless  : to move out : LEAVE  : to exert secret influence or 
   control  : to throw a slow pitch  - pull.er n SYN syn PULL, DRAW, DRAG, 
   HAUL, TUG mean to ca 
2. pull n often attrib  1a: the act or an instance of pulling  1b: a draft 
   of liquid : an inhalation of smoke  1c: the effort expended in moving {a 
   long ~ uphill}  1d: force required to overcome resistance to pulling  2a: 
   ADVANTAGE  2b: special influence  3: PROOF  4: a device for pulling 
   something or for operating by pulling {bell ~)R} 5: a force that attracts, 
   compels, or influences : ATTRACTION