Webster's English Dictionary

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1. pipe \'pi-p\ \'pi--pl*s\ n [ME, fr. OE pi-pa; akin to OHG pfifa pipe; 
   both fr. a prehistori]c WGmc word borrowed fr. (assumed) VL pipa pipe, fr. 
   L pipare to peep, of imit. origin 1a1: a tubular wind instrument specif : a 
   small fipple flute held i n and played by the left hand 1a2: one of the 
   tubes of a pipe organ  1a3: BAGPIPE - usu. used in pl.  1b1: VOICE, VOCAL 
   CORD - usu. used in pl.  1b2: PIPING  2: a long tube or hollow body for 
   conducting a liquid, gas, or finely divid ed solid or for structural 
   purposes 3a: a tubular or cylindrical object, part, or passage  3b: a 
   roughly cylindrical and vertical geological formation  3c: the eruptive 
   channel opening into the crater of a volcano  4a: a large cask of varying 
   capacity used esp. for wine and oil  4b: any of various units of liquid 
   capacity based on the size of a pipe; Xesp : a unit equal to 2 hogsheads 5: 
   a device for smoking usu. consisting of a tube having a bowl at one end  
   and a mouthpiece at the other 6: something easy : SNAP  - pipe.less aj
2. pipe vi 1a: to play on a pipe  1b: to convey orders by signals on a 
   boatswain's pipe  2a: to speak in a high or shrill voice  2b: to emit a 
   shrill sound  1a: to play (a tune) on a pipe  1b: to utter in the shrill 
   tone of a pipe  2a: to cause to go or be with pipe music  2b1: to call or 
   direct by the boatswain's pipe  2b2: to receive aboard or attend the 
   departure of by a boatswain's pipe  3: to trim with piping  4: to furnish 
   or equip with pipes  5: to convey by or as if by pipes; specif : to 
   transmit by wire or  coaxial cable slang  6: NOTICE