1. mine \(')mi-n\ aj [ME min - more at MY] archaic : MY - used before a
word beginning with a vowel or h {R@ own true love} {~ host} or sometimes
as a modifier of a preceding noun {mother ~}
2. mine \'mi-n\ pn sing or pl in constr : my one : my ones - used without
a following noun as a pronoun equiv alent in meaning to the adjective my
3. mine \'mi-n\ n [ME, fr. MF] 1a: a pit or excavation in the earth from
which mineral substances are take n 1b: an ore deposit 2: a subterranean
passage under an enemy position 3: an encased explosive designed to
destroy enemy personnel 4: a rich source of supply 5: a pyrotechnic piece
comprising various small fireworks that are scattere d into the air with a
loud report
4. mine \'mi-n\ vi : to dig a mine 1a: to dig under to gain access or
cause the collapse of (an enemy positio n) 1b: UNDERMINE 2: to get (as
ore) from the earth 3: to burrow beneath the surface of {larva that ~s
leaves} 4: to place military mines in, on, or under 5a: to dig into for
ore or metal 5b: to process for obtaining a natural constituent {~ the air
for nitrogen} - min.er n