Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ware \'wa(*)r, 'we(*)r\ aj [ME war, ware careful, aware, fr. OE wr 
   - more at]WARY 1: AWARE, CONSCIOUS  archaic  2: WARY, VIGILANT 
2. ware vt [ME waren, fr. OE warian; akin to OHG biwaro-n to protect,] OE 
   wr aware : to beware of - used chiefly as a command to hunting animals 
   {~R chase}
3. ware n [ME, fr. OE waru; akin to MHG ware ware and prob. to OE waware 1a: manufactured articles, products of art or craft, or produce : 
   GOOD S - often used in combination {tinware} 1b: an article of merchandise  
   2: pottery or dishes of fired clay {earthenware}  3: an intangible item (as 
   a service) that is a marketable commodity 
4. ware vt [ME waren, fr. ON verja to clothe, invest, spend - more at WEA]R 
   Scot  : SPEND, EXPEND