Webster's English Dictionary

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1. al.loy \'al-.o.i, *-'lo.i\ n [MF aloi, fr. aloier to combine, fr. L 
   alligare to bind - m]ore at ALLY 1: the degree of mixture with base metals 
   : FINENESS  2: a substance composed of two or more metals or of a metal and 
   a nonmetal intimately united usu. by being fused together and dissolving 
   in each other when molten; also : the state of union of the components 
   archaic  3: a metal mixed with a more valuable metal to give durability or 
   some othe r desired quality 4: an admixture of something that debases 
2. al.loy \*-'lo.i, 'al-.o.i\ vt 1: to reduce the purity of by mixing with 
   a less valuable metal  2: to mix so as to form an alloy  3: to debase by 