Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. error                 
1. mis.take \m*-'sta-k\ \-'stu.k\ \-'sta--k*n\ vb or mis.took;  or 
   mis.tak.en or mis.tak.ing [ME mistaken, fr. ON mistaka to take by mistake, 
   fr. mis- + (Xtaka to take - more at TAKE 1: to choose wrongly  2a: to 
   misunderstand the meaning or intention of : MISINTERPRET  2b: to make a 
   wrong judgment of the character or ability of  3: to identify wrongly  : to 
   be wrong {you mistook when you thought I laughed at you -T homas Hardy} - 
   mis.tak.er n
2. mistake n 1: a misunderstanding of the meaning or implication of 
   something  2: a wrong action or statement proceeding from faulty judgment, 
   inadequate  knowledge, or inattention