Webster's English Dictionary

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1. re.cip.ro.cal \ri-'sip-r*-k*l\ \-k(*-)le-\ aj [L reciprocus returning 
   the same way, alternating, irreg. fr. re- +] pro- 1a: inversely related : 
   OPPOSITE  1b: of, constituting, or resulting from paired crosses in which 
   the kind t hat supplies the male parent of the first cross supplies the 
   female parent of the second cross and vice versa 2: shared, felt, or shown 
   by both sides  3: serving to reciprocate  4a: mutually corresponding  4b: 
   marked by or based upon reciprocity  - re.cip.ro.cal.ly av
2. reciprocal n 1: something in a reciprocal relationship to another  2: 
   one of a pair of numbers (as 2/3, 3/2) whose pro duct is one