Webster's English Dictionary

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1. miss \'mis\ vb [ME missen, fr. OE missan; akin to OHG missan to miss, L 
   m]utare to change 1: to fail to hit, reach, or contact  2: to discover or 
   feel the absence of  3: to fail to obtain  4: ESCAPE, AVOID  5: to leave 
   out : OMIT  6: to fail to comprehend, sense, or experience  7: to fail to 
   perform or attend  archaic  1: to fail to get, reach, or do something  2: 
   to fail to hit something  3a: to be unsuccessful  3b: MISFIRE {the engine 
2. miss n chiefly dial  1: disadvantage or regret resulting from loss  2a: 
   a failure to hit  2b: a failure to attain a result  3: MISFIRE 
3. miss n [short for mistress] 1a: - used as a title prefixed to the name 
   of an unmarried woman or girl  1b: - used before the name of a place or of 
   a line of activity or before  some epithet to form a title for a usu. young 
   unmarried female who is representative of the thing indicated {Miss 
   America} 2: young lady - used without a name as a conventional term of 
   address to  a young woman 3: a young unmarried woman or girl