Webster's English Dictionary

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1. nei.ther \'ne--th*r also 'ni--\ pn [ME, alter. of nauther, nother, fr. 
   OE na-hwther,] no-ther, fr. na-, no- not + hwther which of two, 
   whether - more at NO, WHETHER : not the one or the other of two or more 
2. neither cj 1: not either {~ black nor white}  2: NOR {~ did I} 
3. neither aj : not either {~ hand} 
4. neither av chiefly dial  1: EITHER {are not to be understood ~ -Earl of 
   Chesterfiel d} 2: similarly not : also not {just as the serf was not 
   permitted to lea ve the land, so ~ was his offspring -G.G. Coulton}