Webster's English Dictionary

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1. wheth.er \'hweth-*r, 'weth-, (.)(h)w*th-\ pn [ME, fr. OE hwther, 
   hwether; akin to OHG hwedar whic]h of two, L uter, Gk poteros, OE hwa- who 
   - more at WHO archaic  1: which one of the two  archaic  2: whichever one 
   of the two 
2. whether cj [ME, fr. OE hwther, hwether, fr. hwther, Xhwether, 
   pron. 1: - used as a function word followed usu. by correlative or or by  
   or whether to indicate (1) until the early 19th century a direct question 
   involving alternatives; (2) an indirect question involving alternatives 
   {decide ~ he should agree or raise objections}; (3) alternatives conditions 
   or possibilities {see me no more, whether he be dead or no -Shak.} 2: 
   EITHER {seated him next to her ~ by accident or design}