Webster's English Dictionary

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1. per.so.nate \'p*rs-n*t, -*n-*t\ aj [L personatus masked, fr. persona 
   mask] of a bilabiate corolla  : having the throat nearly closed by a 
   palate; also : having such  a corolla {a ~ flower}
2. per.son.ate \'p*rs-*n-.a-t\ \.p*rs-*n-'a--sh*n\ \'p*rs-*n-.a-t-iv\ 
   \-.a-t-*r\ vt 1a: IMPERSONATE, REPRESENT  1b: to assume without authority 
   some character or capacity when done with  fraudulent intent 2: to invest 
   with personality or personal characteristics  - per.son.ation n