Webster's English Dictionary

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1. in.vest \in-'vest\ vt [L investire to clothe, surround, fr. in- + vestis 
   garment  [ML investire, fr. L, to clothe] [MF investir, fr. OIt investire, 
   fr. L, to surround]m more at WEAR 1a: to array in the symbols of office or 
   honor  1b: to furnish with power or authority  1c: to grant someone control 
   or authority over : VEST  2: to cover completely : ENVELOP  3: CLOTHE, 
   ADORN  4: to surround with troops or ships so as to prevent escape or entry 
    5: to endow with a quality or characteristic : INFUSE 
2. invest \-'ves-t*-b*l\ \-t*r\ vb [It investire to clothe, invest money, 
   fr. L, to clothe] 1: to commit (money) in order to earn a financial return  
   2: to make use of for future benefits or advantages  : to make an 
   investment  - in.vest.able aj