Webster's English Dictionary

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phys.ics \'fiz-iks\ n or physic also physic [physics fr. L physica, pl., 
   natural science, fr. Gk physika,] pl but sing or pl in constr  fr. neut. 
   pl. of physikos of nature, fr. physis growth, nature, fr. phyein to bring 
   forth; physic fr. ME phisik natural science, art of medicine, fr. OF 
   fisique, fr. L physica, sing., natural science, fr. Gk physike-, fr. fem. 
   of physikos - more at BE sing  1a1: the art or practice of healing disease  
   1a2: the practice or profession of medicine  1b: a medicinal agent or 
   preparation; esp : a medicine that purges  archaic  2: NATURAL SCIENCE  3: 
   a science that deals with matter and energy and their interactions in th e 
   fields of mechanics, acoustics, optics, heat, electricity, magnetism, 
   radiation, atomic structure, and nuclear phenomena 4a: the physical 
   processes and phenomena of a particular system  4b: the physical properties 
   and composition of something