Webster's English Dictionary

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1. plume \'plu:m\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. L pluma small soft feather - more at 
   FLEECE] 1: a feather of a bird : as  1a: a large conspicuous or showy 
   feather  1b: CONTOUR FEATHER  1c: PLUMAGE  1d: a cluster of distinctive 
   feathers  2a: a feather, cluster of feathers, tuft of hair, or similar 
   matter worn as  an ornament 2b: a token of honor or prowess : PRIZE  3a: a 
   plumose appendage of a plant  3b: a plumate animal structure; esp : a full 
   bushy tail 
2. plume vt 1a: to provide or deck with feathers  1b: to array showily  2: 
   to indulge (oneself) in pride : CONGRATULATE  3a: to dress the feathers of 
   (itself) - used of a bird  3b: to preen and arrange (feathers)