Webster's English Dictionary

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in.dulge \in-'d*lj\ vb [L indulge-re to grant as a favor] 1a: to give free 
   rein to  1b: to take unrestrained pleasure in : GRATIFY  2a: to yield to 
   the desire of : HUMOR  2b: to treat leniently or generously  : to indulge 
   oneselfMMOLLYCODDLE mean to show undue favor to a person's desires and 
   feelings. INDULGE implies excessive compliance and weakness in gratifying 
   another's or one's own desires; PAMPER implies inordinate gratification of 
   desire for luxury and comfort with consequent enervating effect; HUMOR 
   stresses a yielding to a person's moods or whims; SPOIL stresses the 
   injurious effects on character by indulging or pampering; BABY suggests 
   excessive care, attention, or solicitude; MOLLYCODDLE suggests an absurd 
   degree of care and attention to another's health or welfare and shielding 
   from normal hazards - in.dulg.er n SYN syn INDULGE, PAMPER, HUMOR, SPOIL, 
   BABY, (