1. prune \'pru:n\ n [ME, fr. MF, plum, fr. L prunum - more at PLUM] 1: a
plum dried or capable of drying without fermentation 2: a dull or
unattractive person
2. prune vb [ME prouynen, fr. MF proignier, prob. alter. of provigner
to]layer, fr. provain layer, fr. L propagin-, propago, fr. pro- forward +
pangere to fix - more at PRO-, PACT 1: to cut off or cut back parts of for
better shape or more fruitful growt h 2a: to cut down or reduce by
eliminating superfluous matter 2b: to remove as superfluous 2c: to effect
a reduction in : RETRENCH : to cut away what is unwanted - n