Webster's English Dictionary

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1. quar.ry \'kwo.r-e-, 'kwa:r-\ n [ME querre entrails of game given to the 
   hounds, fr. MF cuiriee] obs  1: a heap of the game killed in a hunt  2: the 
   object of a chase : GAME; esp : game hunted with haw ks 3: PREY 
2. quarry n [ME quarey, alter. of quarrere, fr. MF quarriere, fr. 
   (assume]d) OF quare squared stone, fr. L quadrum square : an open 
   excavation usu. for obtaining building stone, slate, or limeston e
3. quarry vt 1: to dig or take from or as if from a quarry  2: to make a 
   quarry in 
4. quarry n [alter. of 1quarrel] : a diamond-shaped pane of glass, stone, 
   or tile