Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. measure                2. metric system          3. agree                 
1. square \'skwa(*)r, 'skwe(*)r\ n [ME, fr. MF esquarre, fr. (assumed VL 
   exquadra, fr. exquadrareX to square, fr. L ex- + quadrare to square - more 
   at QUADRATE 1: an instrument having at least one right angle and two 
   straight edges use d to lay out or test right angles 2: a rectangle with 
   all four sides equal  3: any of the quadrilateral spaces marked out on a 
   board for playing games  4: the product of a number multiplied by itself  
   5a: an open place or area formed at the meeting of two or more streets  5b: 
   BLOCK  6: a solid object or piece approximating a cube or having a square 
   as its l argest face 7: an unopened cotton flower with its enclosing bracts 
    8: a person who is overly conventional or conservative in taste or way of 
   l ife 1: at right angles  2: in a fair open manner : HONESTLY  : not at an 
   exact right angle  - on the square 
2. square aj 1a: having four equal sides and four right angles  1b: forming 
   a right angle {~ corner}  2: raised to the second power  3a: being 
   approximately square {~ cabinet}  3b: of a shape suggesting strength and 
   solidity {~ jaw ~ sho ulders} 3c: rectangular and equilateral in section {~ 
   tower}  4a: converted from a linear unit into a square unit having the same 
   length  of side : SQUARED {~ foot} 4b: being of a specified length in each 
   of two equal dimension {10 feet  ~} 5a: exactly adjusted : well made  5b: 
   JUST, FAIR  5c: leaving no balance : SETTLED  5d: EVEN, TIED  5e: 
   SUBSTANTIAL, SATISFYING {~ meal}  slang  5f: having unsophisticated or 
   conservation tastes  6: set at right angles with the mast and keel - used 
   of the yards of a s quare-rigged ship - square.ly av
3. square vt 1a: to make square or rectangular {~ a building stone}  1b: to 
   test for deviation from a right angle, straight line, or plane surf ace 2: 
   to bring to a right angle {squared his shoulders}  3a: to multiply (a 
   number) by itself : raise to the second power  3b: to find a square equal 
   in area to {~ a circle}  4: to compare with a standard : TEST  5a: BALANCE, 
   SETTLE {~ an account}  5b: to even the score of  6: to mark off into 
   squares  7a: to set right : bring into agreement  7b: BRIBE, FIX  1: AGREE, 
   MATCH  2: to settle matters; esp : to pay the bill  3: to take a fighting 
4. square av 1: STRAIGHTFORWARDLY, HONESTLY  2: so as to face or be face to 
   face; also : at right angles  3: with nothing intervening : DIRECTLY  4: 
   FIRMLY, SOLIDLY  5: in a square shape {cut a diamond ~}