Webster's English Dictionary

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1. quilt \'kwilt\ n [ME quilte mattress, quilt, fr. OF cuilte, fr. L 
   culcita matt]ress 1: a bed coverlet of two layers of cloth filled with 
   wool, cotton, or down  and held in place by stitched designs 2: something 
   that is quilted or resembles a quilt 
2. quilt vt 1a: to fill, pad, or line like a quilt  1b1: to stitch, sew, or 
   cover with lines or patterns like those used in qu ilts 1b2: to stitch 
   (designs) through layers of cloth  1c: to fasten between two pieces of 
   material  2: to stitch or sew in layers with padding in between  1: to make 
   quilts  2: to do quilted work  - quilt.er n