Webster's English Dictionary

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wool \'wu.l\ \'wu.ld\ n [ME wolle, fr. OE wull; akin to OHG wolla wool, L 
   vellus often attrib X fleece, lana wool, lanugo down 1: the soft wavy or 
   curly hypertrophied undercoat of various hairy mammals  and esp. the sheep 
   made up of fibers of keratin molecules within a matrix and covered with 
   minute scales 2: a product of wool; esp : a woven fabric or garment of such 
   fabri c 3a: a dense felted pubescence esp. on a plant : TOMENTUM  3b: a 
   filamentous mass - usu. used in combination; compare MINERAL WOO L, STEEL 
   WOOL 3c: short thick often crisp curly hair on a human head  4: something 
   that conceals the truth or impedes understanding  - wooled aj