Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. volume                
1. sphere \'sfi(*)r\ \'sfi(*)r-ik, 'sfer-\ \sfir-'is-*t-e-\ n [ME spere 
   globe, celestial sphere, fr. MF espere, fr. L sphaera)X, fr. Gk sphaira, 
   lit., ball 1a1: the apparent surface of the heavens of which half forms the 
   dome of th e visible sky 1a2: one of the concentric and eccentric revolving 
   spherical transparent sh ells in which according to ancient astronomy 
   stars, sun, planets, and moon are set 1b: a globe depiciting such a sphere; 
   broadly : GLOBE  2a: a globular body : BALL  2b: PLANET, STAR  2c: a 
   surface all points of which are equally distant from a center  3: natural, 
   normal, or proper place; esp : social order or rank  obs  4a: ORBIT  4b: a 
   field or range of influence or significance : PROVINCE  - spher.ic aj
2. sphere vt 1: to place in a sphere or among the spheres : ENSPHERE  2: to 
   form into a sphere