Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. taste                 
1. rel.ish \'rel-ish\ n [alter. of ME reles taste, fr. OF, something left 
   behind, release - mor]e at RELEASE 1: characteristic flavor; esp : pleasing 
   or zestful flavor  2: a quantity just sufficient to flavor or characterize 
   : TRACE  3a: enjoyment of or delight in something that satisfies one's 
   tastes, incli nations, or desires 3b: APPETITE, INCLINATION  4a: something 
   adding a zestful flavor : CONDIMENT  4b: APPETIZER, HORS D'OEUVRE 
2. relish \-*-b*l\ vt 1: to add relish to  2: to be pleased or gratified by 
   : ENJOY  3: to eat or drink with pleasure  4: to appreciate with taste and 
   discernment  : to have a characteristic or pleasing taste  - rel.ish.able 