Webster's English Dictionary

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1. sa.lute \s*-'lu:t\ vb [ME saluten, fr. L salutare, fr. salut-, salus 
   health,]safety, greeting - more at SAFE 1a: to address with expressions of 
   kind wishes, courtesy, or honor or with  a sign of respect, courtesy, or 
   goodwill : GREET 1b: to become apparent to  2a: to honor by a conventional 
   military or naval ceremony  2b: to show respect and recognition to (a 
   military superior) by assuming a  prescribed position 2c: to express 
   commendation of : PRAISE  : to make a salute  - sa.lut.er n
2. salute n 1: GREETING, SALUTATION  2a: a sign, token, or ceremony (as a 
   kiss or a bow) expressing goodwill, co mpliment, or respect 2b: the 
   position of the hand or weapon or the entire attitude of a person s aluting 
   a superior 3: FIRECRACKER