Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. touchback             
1. safe.ty \'sa-f-te-\ n [ME saufte, fr. MF sauvete`, fr. OF, fr. sauve, 
   fem. of s] often attrib auf safe 1: the condition of being safe from 
   undergoing or causing hurt, injury, or  loss 2a: a device on a military 
   apparatus (as a mine or missile) that prevents i t from being fired 
   accidentally 2b: a device on a piece of equipment to reduce hazard  3a: a 
   football play in which the ball is downed by the offensive team behin d its 
   own goal line counting two points for the defensive team 3b: a member of a 
   defensive backfield in football in the deepest position 
2. safety vt : to protect against failure, breakage, or accident {~ a 