Webster's English Dictionary

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1. load \'lo-d\ n [ME lod, fr. OE la-d support, carrying - more at LODE] 
   1a: whatever is put on a man or pack animal to be carried : PACK  1b: 
   whatever is put in a ship or vehicle or airplane for conveyance :  CARGO; 
   specif : a quantity of material assembled or packed as a shipping unit 1c: 
   the quantity that can be carried at one time by a specified means; s pecif 
   : a measured quantity of a commodity fixed for each type of carrier - often 
   used in combination {a boatload of tourists} 2a: a mass or weight supported 
   by something  2b: the forces to which a structure is subjected due to 
   superposed weight o r to wind pressure on the vertical surfaces 3a: 
   something that weighs down the mind or spirits {a ~ of care}  3b: a 
   burdensome or laborious responsibility  slang  4: an intoxicating amount of 
   liquor drunk  5: a large quantity : LOT - usu. used in pl.  6a: a charge 
   for a firearm  6b: the quantity of material loaded into a device at one 
   time  7: external resistance overcome by a machine or prime mover  8a: 
   power output (as of a power plant)  8b: a device to which power is 
   delivered  9a1: the amount of work that a person carries or is expected to 
   carry  9a2: the amount of authorized work to be performed by a machine, a 
   group, a  department, or a factory 9b: the demand upon the operating 
   resources of a system (as a telephone exc hange or a refrigerating 
   apparatus) slang  10: EYEFUL; also : EARFUL - used in the phrase get  a 
   load of
2. load vt 1a: to put a load in or on  1b: to place in or on a means of 
   conveyance  2a: to encumber or oppress with something heavy, laborious, or 
   dishearteni ng : BURDEN 2b: to place as a burden or obligation {~ more work 
   on him}  3a: to increase the weight of by adding something heavy  3b: to 
   add a conditioning substance (as a mineral salt) to for body; es p : to add 
   filler to (paper) 3c: to weight (dice) to fall unfairly  3d: BIAS  3e: to 
   weight (as a test) with factors influencing validity or outcome  4: to 
   supply in abundance or excess : HEAP  5a: to put a load or charge in {~ a 
   gun}  5b: to place or insert as a load {~ film in a camera}  6: to alter by 
   adding an adulterant or drug  7a: to add loading to (an insurance premium)  
   7b: to add a sum to after profits and expenses are accounted for {~Red 
   prices} 1: to receive a load  2: to put a load on or in a carrier, device, 
   or container; specif :: to insert the charge or cartridge in the chamber of 
   a firearm