Webster's English Dictionary

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1. there \'tha(*)r, 'the(*)r\ av [ME, fr. OE th-r; akin to OHG da-r 
   there, OE thQa-e>t that 1: in or at that place {stand over ~} - often used 
   interjectio nally 2: to or into that place : THITHER  3: at that point or 
   stage  4: in that matter, respect, or relation  5: - used interjectionally 
   to express satisfaction, approval, soothing,  or defiance
2. there \(.)tha(*)r, (.)the(*)r, 1 is also th*r\ pn 1: - used as a 
   function word to introduce a sentence or clause esp. when  the verb has no 
   complement {~ shall come a time} 2: - used as an indefinite substitute for 
   a name {hi ~} 
3. there \like 1\ n 1: that place or position  2: that point {you take it 
   from ~} 
4. there \like 1\ aj : - used for emphasis esp. after a demonstrative 
   pronoun or a noun modi fied by a demonstrative adjective {those men ~ can 
   tell you}