1. shroud \'shrau.d, esp South 'srau.d\ n [ME, fr. OE scru-d; akin to OE
scre-ade shred - more at ]SHRED 1: burial garment : WINDING-SHEET, CEREMENT
obs 2: SHELTER, PROTECTION 3: something that covers, screens, or guards
4a: one of the ropes leading usu. in pairs from a ship's mastheads to give
lateral support to the masts 4b: one of the cords that suspend the harness
of a parachute from the canop y
2. shroud vt archaic 1a: to cover for protection obs 1b: CONCEAL 2a: to
cut off from view : SCREEN 2b: to veil under another appearance 3: to
dress for burial archaic : to take or seek shelter