Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. hide                  
1. screen \'skre-n\ n [ME screne, fr. MF escren, fr. MD scherm; akin to OHG 
   skir]m screen, L corium skin - more at CUIRASS 1a: a device used as a 
   protection from heat or drafts or as an ornament  1b: a nonbearing 
   partition often ornamental carried up to a height necessar y for separation 
   and protection 2a: something that shelters, protects, or conceals; specif : 
   a body  of troops, ships, or planes thrown to protect a command, an area, 
   or larger force 2b: a shield for secret usu. evil practices  3a: a 
   perforated plate or cylinder or a meshed wire or cloth fabric usu. mo unted 
   and used to separate coarser from finer parts 3b: a system for examining 
   and separating into different groups  3c: a piece of apparatus designed to 
   prevent agencies in one part from affe cting other parts {optical ~} 
   {electric ~} {magnetic ~} 3d: a frame holding a usu. metallic netting used 
   esp. in a window or door t o exclude insects 4a1: a flat surface upon which 
   a picture or series of pictures is projected  4a2: the motion-picture 
   industry  4b: something that receives or retains a mental image or 
   impression  4c: the surface upon which the image appears in a television or 
   radar recei ver 5: a glass plate ruled with crossing opaque lines through 
   which an image is  photographed in making a halftone
2. screen \'skre--n*-b*l\ vt 1: to guard from injury or danger  2a: to give 
   shelter or protection to with or as if with a screen  2b: to separate with 
   or as if with a screen  3a: to pass (as coal, gravel, ashes) through a 
   screen to separate the fine  part from the coarse; also : to remove by a 
   screen 3b1: to examine usu. methodically in order to make a separation into 
   diffe rent groups 3b2: to select or eliminate by a screening process  4: to 
   provide with a screen to keep out insects  5a: to project (as a 
   motion-picture film) on a screen  5b: to present in a motion picture  : to 
   appear on a motion-picture screen  - screen.able aj