Webster's English Dictionary

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1. pod \'pa:d\ n [origin unknown] 1: a bit socket in a brace  2: a straight 
   groove or channel in the barrel of an auger 
2. pod n [prob. alter. of cod bag - more at CODPIECE] 1: a dry dehiscent 
   seed vessel or fruit that is either monocarpellary or co mposed of two or 
   more carpels; esp : LEGUME 2a: an anatomical pouch  2b: a grasshopper egg 
   case  3: a number of animals (as seals) clustered together  4: a 
   streamlined compartment under the wings or fuselage of an airplane use d as 
   a container (as for fuel)
3. pod vi or pod.ded;  or pod.ding : to produce pods