Webster's English Dictionary

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1. slide \'sli-d\ \'slid\ \'sli-d-in\ \'sli-d-*r\ vb or slid;  or slid.ing 
   [ME sliden, fr. OE sli-dan; akin to MHG sli-ten to slid]e, Gk leios smooth 
   - more at LIME 1a: to move smoothly along a surface : SLIP  1b: to coast 
   over snow or ice  2a: to slip or fall by loss of footing  2b: to change 
   position or become dislocated : SHIFT  3a: to slither along the ground : 
   CRAWL  3b: to stream along : FLOW  4: to take a natural course : DRIFT  5a: 
   to pass unobtrusively : STEAL  5b: to pass by gradations  1a: to cause to 
   glide or slip  1b: to traverse in a sliding manner  2: to put 
   surreptitiously  - slid.er n
2. slide n 1a: an act or instance of sliding  1b1: a musical grace of two 
   or more small notes  1b2: PORTAMENTO  2: a sliding part or mechanism : as  
   2a: a U-shaped section of tube in the trombone that is pushed out and in to 
    produce the tones between the fundamental and its harmonics 2b1: a moving 
   piece (as the ram of a punch press) that is guided by a part  along which 
   it slides 2b2: a guiding surface (as a feeding mechanism) along which 
   something slide s 2c: SLIDING SEAT  3a: the descent of a mass of earth, 
   rock, or snow down a hill or mountainsi de 3b: a dislocation in which one 
   rock mass in a mining lode has slid on anoth er : FAULT 4a1: a slippery 
   surface for coasting  4a2: a playground chute  4b: a channel or track on 
   which something is slid  4c: a sloping trough down which objects are 
   carried by gravity {log ~)R} 5a: a flat piece of glass on which an object 
   is mounted for microscopic exa mination 5b: a photographic transparency on 
   a small plate or film arranged for proje ction