Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. error                 
1. slip \'slip\ vb or slipped;  or slip.ping [ME slippen, fr. MD or MLG; 
   akin to Gk olibros slippery, leiosX smooth - more at LIME 1a: to move with 
   a smooth sliding motion  1b: to move quietly and cautiously : STEAL  1c: 
   ELAPSE, PASS  2a1: to escape from memory or consciousness  2a2: to become 
   uttered through inadvertence  2b: to pass quickly or easily away : become 
   lost {let an opportunity (R@} 3: to fall into error or fault : LAPSE  4a: 
   to slide out of place or away from a support or one's grasp  4b: to slide 
   on or down a slippery surface {~ on the stairs}  4c: to flow smoothly  5: 
   to get speedily into or out of clothing {slipped into his coat)> 6: to fall 
   off from a standard or accustomed level by degrees : DECLI NE 7: SIDESLIP  
   1: to cause to move easily and smoothly : SLIDE  2a: to get away from : 
   ELUDE, EVADE {slipped his pur suers} 2b: to free oneself from {dog slipped 
   his collar}  2c: to escape from (one's memory or notice)  3: CAST, SHED 
   {snake slipped its skin}  4: to put on (a garment) hurriedly  5a: to let 
   loose from a restraining leash or grasp  5b: to cause to slip open : 
   RELEASE, UNDO {~ a lock)> 5c: to let go of  5d: to disengage from (an 
   anchor) instead of hauling  6a: to insert, place, or pass quietly or 
   secretly  6b: to give or pay on the sly  7: SLINK, ABORT  8: DISLOCATE 
   {slipped his shoulder}  9: to transfer (a stitch) from one needle to 
   another without working a sti tch 10: to avoid (a punch) by moving the body 
   or head quickly or one side  : to foist something on another : get the 
   better of another by trickery  - slip something over 
2. slip n 1a: a sloping ramp extending out into the water to serve as a 
   place for lan ding or repairing ships 1b: a ship's berth between two piers  
   2: the act or an instance of departing secretly or hurriedly  3a: a mistake 
   in judgment, policy, or procedure : BLUNDER  3b: a slight offense : MISSTEP 
    4: a leash so made that it can be quickly slipped  5a: the act or an 
   instance of slipping down or out of place {a ~ on  the ice} : a sudden 
   mishap {many a ~ between the cup and the lip} 5b: a movement dislocating 
   the parts of a rock mass or the result of such m ovement 5c: a fall from 
   some level or standard : DECLINE {~ in stoc k prices} 6a: an undergarment 
   made in dress length with shoulder straps  6b: PILLOWCASE  7a: one of 
   several cricket fielders positioned on the off side of the wicke tkeeper 
   and behind point pl but sing in constr  7b: the part of the field in which 
   the slips are placed  8a: the motion of the center of resistance of the 
   float of a paddle wheel o r the blade of an oar through the water 
   horizontally; also : the difference between a ship's actual speed and the 
   speed which it would have if the propeller worked in a solid 8b: retrograde 
   movement of a belt on a pulley  8c: the amount of leakage past the piston 
   of a pump or the impellers of a b lower 9: a disposition or tendency to 
   slip easily  10: SIDE SLIP 
3. slip aj 1a: operating by slipping {~ bar}  1b: DETACHABLE {~ 
   compartment}  2: having a slipknot {~ cord}  3: capable of being released 
   quickly {~ bolt} 
4. slip n [ME slippe, prob. fr. MD or MLG, split, slit, flap] 1a: a small 
   shoot or twig cut for planting or grafting : SCION  1b: DESCENDANT, 
   OFFSPRING  2a: a long narrow strip of material  2b: a piece of paper used 
   for a memorandum or record {sales ~}  3: a young and slender person {~ of a 
   girl}  4: a long seat or narrow pew 
5. slip vt or slipped;  or slip.ping : to take cuttings from (a plant) : 
   divide into slips {~ a gera nium}
6. slip n [ME slyp slime, fr. OE slypa slime paste; akin to OE slu-pan)X to 
   slip - more at SLEEVE 1: a mixture of fine clay and water used in ceramic 
   casting, for decoration , or as a cement for handles : SLURRY 2: enamel or 
   glaze powdered and suspended in water