Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. lurk                  
1. sneak \'sne-k\ vb [akin to OE sni-can to sneak along, OHG snahhan to 
   creep - mor]e at SNAIL 1: to go stealthily or furtively : SLINK  2: to 
   behave in a furtive or servile manner  : to put, bring, or take in a 
   furtive or artful manner {~ a smoke }
2. sneak n 1: a person who acts in a stealthy, furtive, or shifty manner  
   2a: a stealthy or furtive move  2b: an unobserved departure or escape  3: 
   SNEAKER - usu. used in pl. 
3. sneak aj 1: carried on secretly : CLANDESTINE  2: occurring without 
   warning : SURPRISE {a ~ attack}