Webster's English Dictionary

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1. snug \'sn*g\ aj or snug.ger;  or snug.gest [perh. of Scand origin; akin 
   to Sw snygg tidy; akin to ON sno:ggr]shorn, bald, L novacula razor of a 
   ship  1a: manifesting seaworthiness : TAUT  1b: TRIM, NEAT  1c: fitting 
   closely and comfortable {a ~ coat}  2a: enjoying or affording warm secure 
   shelter or cover and opportunity for  ease and contentment 2b: marked by 
   cordiality and secure privacy  3: affording a degree of comfort and ease  
   4: SECRETED, CONCEALED  - snug av
2. snug vb or snugged;  or snug.ging : SNUGGLE  1: to cause to fit closely  
   2: to make snug  3: HIDE  4: to prepare (a ship) for a gale esp. by 
   reducing sail, lowering topmasts , or lashing down movables
3. snug n Brit  : a small private room in a pub