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com.fort.able \'k*m(p)(f)-t*-b*l, 'k*m(p)-f*rt-*-b*l\ \-ble-\ aj 1: giving 
   comfort; esp : providing physical comfort  2: more than adequate {~ income} 
    3a: physically at ease  3b: PLACID, UNDISTURBED COMFORTABLE applies to 
   anything that encourages serenity, well-being, or complacency as well as 
   physical ease; COZY suggests warmth, shelter, assured ease, and 
   friendliness; SNUG suggests having just enough space for comfort and safety 
   but no more; EASY implies relief from or absence of anything likely to 
   cause physical or mental discomfort or constraint; RESTFUL and REPOSEFUL 
   apply to whatever induces or contributes to rest or relaxation - 
   com.fort.able.ness n SYN syn COZY, SNUG, EASY, RESTFUL, REPOSEFUL: