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  1. neat                  
1. trim \'trim\ vb or trimmed;  or trim.ming [(assumed) ME trimmen to 
   prepare, put in order, fr. OE trymian, ]trymman to strengthen, arrange, fr. 
   trum strong, firm; akin to Skt da-ru wood - more at TREE 1a: to embellish 
   with ribbons, lace, or ornaments : ADORN  1b: to arrange a display of goods 
   in (a shop window)  2a1: to administer a beating to : THRASH  2a2: to 
   defeat resoundingly {trimmed him at chess}  2b: CHEAT, SWINDLE  3a: to make 
   trim and neat esp. by cutting or clipping  3b: to free of excess or 
   extraneous matter by or as if by cutting {~)R a tree ~ a budget} 3c: to 
   remove by or as if by cutting  4a1: to cause (a ship or boat) to assume a 
   desirable position in the water  by arrangement of ballast, cargo, or 
   passengers 4a2: to adjust (as an airplane, blimp, or submarine) for 
   horizontal moveme nt or for motion upward or downward 4b: to adjust (as a 
   sail) to a desired position {~ cargo}  1a: to maintain neutrality between 
   opposing parties or to favor each equal ly 1b: to change one's views for 
   reasons of expediency  2: to assume or cause a boat to assume a desired 
   position in the water { a boat that ~s badly}
2. trim aj or trim.mer;  or trim.mest obs  1: EXCELLENT, FINE; also : 
   PLEASANT  archaic  2: suitably adjusted, equipped, or prepared for service 
   or use exhibiting  neatness, good order, or compactness of line or 
   structure {~ houses ~ figure} - trim.ly av
3. trim av : TRIMLY 
4. trim n 1a: the readiness of a ship for sailing  1b: the readiness of a 
   person or thing for action or use : FITNESS  2a: one's clothing or 
   appearance  2b: material used for ornament or trimming  2c: the lighter 
   woodwork in the finish of a building esp. around openings  2d: the interior 
   furnishings of an automobile  2e: WINDOW DRESSING  3a: the position of a 
   ship or boat esp. with reference to the horizontal; (Xalso : the difference 
   between the draft of a ship forward and that aft 3b: the relation between 
   the plane of a sail and the direction of the ship  3c: the buoyancy status 
   of a submarine  3d: the attitude of a lighter-than-air craft relative to a 
   fore-and-aft hor izontal plane 3e: the attitude with respect to wind axes 
   at which an airplane will contin ue in level flight with free controls 4: 
   something that is trimmed off or cut out