Webster's English Dictionary

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1. sail \'sa-(*)l, as last element in compounds often s*l\ n or sail [ME, 
   fr. OE segl; akin to OHG segal sail, L secare to cut -] more at SAW 1a1: an 
   extent of fabric (as canvas) by means of which wind is used to prop el a 
   ship through water 1a2: the sails of a ship  pl usu  1b: a ship equipped 
   with sails  2: an extent of fabric used in propelling a wind-driven vehicle 
   (as an iceb oat) 3: something that resembles a sail  4: a passage by a 
   sailing ship : CRUISE 
2. sail vi 1a: to travel on water in a ship propelled by wind or by any 
   means  1b: YACHT  2a: to travel on water by the action of wind upon sails 
   or by other means  2b: to move without visible effort or in a stately 
   manner (as through wate r) 3: to begin a water voyage {~ with the tide}  4: 
   to attack something with gusto  1a: to travel upon (water) by means of 
   motive power (as sail)  1b: to glide through  2: to direct or manage the 
   motion of (as a ship)