Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. neat                  
1. ti.dy \'ti-d-e-\ aj [ME, fr. tide time] 1: properly filled out : PLUMP  
   2: ADEQUATE, SATISFACTORY; also : DECENT, FAI R 3a: neat and orderly in 
   appearance or habits  3b: METHODICAL, PRECISE {~ mind}  4: LARGE, 
   SUBSTANTIAL {a ~ price} 
2. tidy vt : to put in order {~ up a room} to make things tidy {~(Xing up 
   after supper}
3. tidy n 1: a piece of fancywork used to protect the back, arms, or 
   headrest of a ch air or sofa from wear or soil 2: a receptacle for sewing 
   materials or adds and ends