Cross references:
1. strike
1. punch \'p*nch\ vb [ME punchen, fr. MF poinc~r to prick, stamp, fr.
poincX^ puncheon 1a: PROD, POKE 1b: to drive or herd (cattle) 2a: to
strike with a forward thrust of the fist 2b: to drive or push forcibly by
or as if by a punch 3: to emboss, cut, perforate, or make with a punch 4:
to strike or press sharply : to perform the action of punching something
- punch.er n
2. punch n 1: the action of punching 2: a quick blow with or as if with
the fist 3: energy that commands attention
3. punch n [prob. short for puncheon] 1a: a tool usu. in the form of a
short rod of steel that is variously shape d at one end for different
operations (as perforating or cutting) 1b: a short tapering steel rod for
driving the heads of nails below the sur face 1c: a steel die faced with a
letter in relief that is forced into a softer metal to form an intaglio
matrix from which foundry type is cast 1d: a device for cutting holes or
notches in paper or cardboard 2: a hole or notch resulting from a
perforating operation
4. punch n [perh. fr. Hindi pamacron-tilda>c five, fr. Skt pan@c]a; akin to
Gk pente five; fr. the number of ingredients - more at FIVE : a beverage
usu. composed of wine or alcoholic liquor, citrus juice, spic es, tea, and
water; also : a beverage composed of fruit juices and other nonalcoholic