Webster's English Dictionary

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1. shoe \'shu:\ n [ME shoo, fr. OE sco-h; akin to OHG scuoh shoe, OE hyB-d 
   hide 1a: an outer covering for the human foot usu. made of leather with a 
   thick  or stiff sole and an attached heel 1b: a metal plate or rim for the 
   hoof of an animal  2: something resembling a shoe : as  2a: a metal band on 
   the runner of a sled  2b: the casing of a pneumatic tire; broadly : TIRE  
   pl  3: STATUS, POSITION; also : PLIGHT  4: a device that retards, stops, or 
   controls the motion of an object  5: any of various devices that are 
   inserted in or run along a track or groo ve to guide a movement, provide a 
   contact or friction grip, or protect against wear, damage, or slipping
2. shoe \'sha:d\ \'shu:d\ vt or shod also shoed;  also shoe.ing 1: to 
   furnish with a shoe  2: to cover for protection, strength, or ornament