Webster's English Dictionary

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1. strang.er \'stra-n-j*r\ n [ME, fr. MF estrangier foreign, foreigner, fr. 
   estrange] 1: one who is strange : as  1a1: FOREIGNER  1a2: a resident alien 
    1b: one in the house of another as a guest, visitor, or intruder  1c: a 
   person or thing that is unknown or with whom one is unacquainted  1d: one 
   who does not belong to or is kept from the activities of a group  1e: one 
   not privy or party to an act, contract, or title : a mere intrude r or 
   intermeddler 2: one ignorant of or unacquainted with someone or something 
2. stranger aj : of, relating to, or being a stranger : FOREIGN, ALIEN 
3. stranger vt obs  : ESTRANGE, ALIENATE