Webster's English Dictionary

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es.trange \is-'tra-nj\ \-'tra-nj-m*nt\ vt [MF estranger, fr. ML extraneare, 
   fr. L extraneus strange] 1: to remove from customary environment or 
   associations  2: to arouse enmity or indifference in where there had 
   formerly been love,  affection, or friendliness : ALIENATEthe development 
   of indifference or hostility with consequent separation or divorcement; 
   ALIENATE may or may not suggest separation but always implies loss of 
   affection or interest and often a diversion of that affection or interest 
   to another; DISAFFECT refers esp. to those from whom loyalty is expected 
   and stresses the effects (as rebellion or discontent) of alienation without 
   actual separation; WEAN implies separation from something having a strong 
   hold on one - es.trange.ment n SYN syn ALIENATE, DISAFFECT, WEAN: ESTRANGE 