Webster's English Dictionary

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sub.ser.vi.ent \-*nt\ aj [L subservient-, subserviens, prp. of subservire] 
   1: useful in an inferior capacity : SUBORDINATE  2: serving to promote some 
   end  3: obsequiously servile : TRUCKLING SERVIENT applies to the cringing 
   manner of one very conscious of a subordinate position; SERVILE suggests 
   the mean or fawning behavior of a slave; SLAVISH suggests abject or debased 
   servility; MENIAL stresses the degradation associated with working solely 
   at the bidding of and for the benefit of others; OBSEQUIOUS implies fawning 
   or sycophantic compliance and exaggerated deference of manner - 
   sub.ser.vi.ent.ly av SYN syn SERVILE, SLAVISH, MENIAL, OBSEQUIOUS: SUB